dementia friendly guidelines


Every product enters in an existing system of objects and behaviors. How does your design fit in the environment, and what are the minimun requirements to make sure it works properly?


Research And Discovery

Product Development

Manufacturing & Distribution

After Market Service

write a brief

In time of hyperconnectivity, we all want to feel safe and make sure that our personal, sensible data are protected and not trackable. How does your design integrate and communicate its safety features?

Conduct A Desk Research

What are the features that make your design easy to use and operable by a person with dementia and their (in)formal cargivers?

Define The Value Proposition

What are the features that make your design easy to use and operable by a person with dementia and their (in)formal cargivers?

Conduct A On-Field Research

In time of hyperconnectivity, we all want to feel safe and make sure that our personal, sensible data are protected and not trackable. How does your design integrate and communicate its safety features?